Flexible Seating

#bestschoolday Surprise

Flexible seating will be arriving soon to our classroom! Days before Easter, I received a wonderful surprise! I had a project on Donor’s Choose to help our class raise money for flexible seating for our classroom. For those of you who don’t know, Donor’s Choose is a free website teacher can post projects and materials they need to help their classroom students learn and grow. People from around the world can donate money to your project. Once you raise all the money needed, Donor’s Choose will send you your materials in the mail. The only thing the classroom is responsible for is using the materials, sending thank you notes, and sending pictures of us using the resources.

Flexible Seating

flexible seating

I have created multiple projects over the years, but this year I wanted to include more flexible seating to help my students learn. I called it Wiggle Wobble to Learn. How many teachers still use desks that have students sit in rows? Probably not many elementary teachers. In elementary, everything is about learning by doing or moving, cutting and gluing, jumping from reading center to math centers, or music and dancing. There is so much research out there stating that young children learn best while moving and using flexible seating. I have two wobble chairs that were donated to my classroom and a yoga ball chair. My students love using them in the classroom and do some of their best work.

Ripple’s Donation

Right before Easter, I received an email that Ripple fully funded every project on Donor’s Choose including mine! We will be receiving our materials in a few weeks and my students are so excited. We are receiving wobble chairs, yoga balls, and seat cushions for every student to use. Ripple helped my classroom be the #bestschoolday!  Look for more posts about our new seating as they arrive!

If you would like to read more about Donor’s Choose or Ripple’s amazing contribution.

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